Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Factors That Influences Effectiveness Of Laser Hair Removal Treatment

To remove your hair the practitioner uses a hand helded device that emits emits a laser, i.e a beam a light carrying a high potential of energy. Once the laser infiltrates into your skin, its energy is absorbed by the pigment color and dispersed into neighborhood as heat. This way the heat reaches the hair and destroys its root.

The result is permanent hair removal or at list its elimination on long term.

People should know that this new medical technology isn't for anybody yet. I mean that while light skin makes laser hair removal very easy, people with darker skin can be treated but the results come using much more sessions and greater expertise is required on the part of the laser center. It is well-known the fact laser hair removal technology performs the best when works against black and brown hair. It is still very hard for this level of technological development, to have good results in laser hair removal technology on very light shades of hair such as light blonde, red, white and grey. But as technology go further, more and more possibilities are available.

Though the laser hair removal is a procedure that targets permanent hair removal, this is not done right away. There are many factors that influences the effectiveness of this method. Some parts of the human body are more difficult than others to remove hair. People are different, each person may vary somewhat in her or his hair regeneration speed as well. Size of the area treated is also very important.

By consequence, after first laser procedure is possible a tiny hair re-growth. This situation requires more removal treatment sessions to complete the desired hairless effect. The total number of laser hair removal treatment sessions can be depends of objective factors such as your hair color, your skin pigmentation (dark or light) and the thickness of your hair. The results also depend of type of laser hair removal equipment used and of practitioner's skills.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in issues affecting men and women as well. Learn more visiting this site

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