Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hair Removal Thanks To A Nobel Prize Awarded Invention

Lasers are used in many fields for surgery, for example Lasik for eye surgery. It is also used for the rapid and gentle removal of unwanted hair. This technique is not for everyone and their proper use requires great expertise. If you are contemplating laser hair removal you need to learn about this field to properly evaluate if and where to have laser hair removal performed.

There are many competing technologies, some working very well and some that are already outmoded. They can all offer particular advantages for certain patient populations. Learn more here so you can decide if you are a candidate for laser hair removal. You will also find some answers to the most frequent questions concerning this new advance.

Laser hair removal is not for everyone and the absolute requirement is that your hair must be darker than the surrounding skin. Furthermore very darkly pigmented people absorb too much laser energy in their skin so they are not the best candidates for laser hair removal. Tanned persons with light hair are no good candidates and tanned persons with dark hair should wait until their tan fades before they are treated. Finally the cost for the treatment should be within reach of the patient. Laser hair removal is less expensive than electrolysis but it takes multiple treatments so generally the cost will be more than $1000 in total for most anatomic areas.

The cost varies of course with the size of the area treated. Many laser centers, which have developed expertise in laser hair removal, generally average about $500 per treatment session, with an average of four treatment sessions initially recommended. If the treated areas are large, such as the entire back or the entire legs, the cost will be considerably more. And for small areas, such as the upper lip, the cost will be less. Before the treatment starts you will have an indication of how much the total cost will be.

If you have a light skin it will be easier to perform laser hair removal. The number of treatments will be fewer and the result will be better and obtained faster. For persons with darker skin the treatment will make a good result but it will take more sessions. Experienced personal will be needed as laser hair removal must be individualized for each patient.

A dark hair absorbs more laser energy and is therefore easier to treat and a coarse dark hair responds the best to laser treatment. Light hair is more difficult to treat effectively and blonde or red hair is very difficult to treat. Here are multiple treatment sessions required and the results vary more.

There are some areas that cannot be treated, for example adjacent to the eyes. Most patients request laser hair removal from the face, upper lip, neck, chest, underarms, back, abdomen, bikini line and the legs.

For the newer lasers there is clear documention of permanent hair reduction after each treatment and the FDA has approved several lasers for permanent hair reduction. The results seem to be additive so that more treatments lead to greater degrees of permanent hair reduction. As always it is hard to predict the results precisely, they can vary some but generally the modern lasers produce a very good result.

Keith George always writes about valuable news & reviews. A related resource is Laser Hair Removal Further information can be found at Tips & News

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Body Hair Removal Techniques

There is this popular saying that if you cannot style, color, or decorate your hair, then you should remove it. And many women have adopted this attitude towards their body hair, because unwanted body hair are not only embarrassing, but also lower people's self esteem.

Luckily, several options for body hair removal are available. Many women and some men usually resort to plucking, trimming or tweezing methods, but none of these yields total satisfaction. Other options like hair growth inhibitors, permanent electrolysis machines, hair removal creams, and permanent body hair removal, can also be used, but this will depend on the type of hair you wish to remove.

Those interested in proper body hair need to consult a professional for two reasons; either to carry out the treatment or to offer tips regarding the purchase of the materials you will need to perform the procedure yourself.

The objective of the body hair removal must also be put into consideration. Are you removing the hair temporarily so that you can look better in swim wears? or is it to permanently remove the unwanted hair on your face.

Body hair removal can be done in many ways. The traditional method of shaving is still very much in use, and it has the advantage of being easy, less expensive, and very fast. But its greatest limitation is the tendency of the hair to grow back rapidly. Products referred to as depilatories can also be used, and they remove unwanted hair by dissolving it through the use of chemicals. This method for body hair removal is equally fast, but you must ensure that your skin is not sensitive to the chemicals. Always seek the opinion of a professional before using this method.

Waxing is another body hair removal technique, and it is very popular and longer lasting than the previous two. the process of waxing pulls the hair out of their roots, which makes it difficult for the hair to grow back quickly in contrast to shaving. It is ideal to carry out waxing monthly.

The use of electric current, also called electrolysis is another method of removing hair that has been employed for a long time. Electrolysis as a body hair removal can be done in the home by anyone, but many prefer to undergo this treatment in a clinic that specialize in the process due to the longer time it takes to complete the process, especially if the hair to be removed is large.

The current trends are now laser treatments, and has the advantage of being very fast, painless and permanently removes hair after several sessions.

Regardless of the method you choose for your body hair removal, it is crucial to consult an expert especially if you are dealing with sensitive areas of the body where you cannot afford to make mistakes.

Jenny Riley

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hair Removal: IPL Hair Removal

IPL Hair Removal Therapy
A Permanent Hair Removal Solution

IPL, or Intense Pulse Light, hair removal is a popular method of removing unwanted hair from the body, particularly from the face and eyebrows. IPL therapy works by focusing a high frequency ray of light directly onto the hair shaft. The light depletes the hair follicle of moisture, causing it to burn up and die. Because IPL hair removal therapy eliminates the unwanted hair from the hair root to the tip, IPL has proven to be a very effective long-term hair removal technique.

IPL hair removal therapy is one of the more expensive hair removal methods available. Therefore, it is important that you educate yourself about the facts before making the financial and time investment into IPL therapy. Read on for some important information.

For those individuals looking for a more permanent solution for hair reduction, IPL hair removal just might be the answer. IPL hair removal eliminates the hair all the way to the root by dissolving or burning the hair follicle. When the light reaches the root, it not only eliminates the hair, but it also sends a shock to the base in which the root grows. When the light comes into contact with the skin in the base, it welds it together, stopping the flow of blood. As the flow of blood to the area ceases, the hair root can no longer get the nutrients it needs to grow into a full length of hair. Thus, the hair is permanently removed.

Often, it takes more than one treatment to fully remove the unwanted hair using IPL therapy. When the light welds the skin, it usually does not weld the full area in the base. Blood can still flow to the hair shaft and follicle. Yet because the area will be partially welded, the hair will grow back lighter and less thick. This process will lead to a dramatic reduction in the amount and coarseness of hair, ultimately leading to its permanent removal.

Because IPL therapy works with lasers, or high intensity light, the hair follicle needs to have some color that the light can, essentially, cling to. Therefore, IPL hair removal therapy will not work with blond or light brown hairs as well as with darker hairs. However, IPL hair removal therapy can help to reduce the coarseness of all hair, including blond and light brown follicles.

There is some debate as to whether IPL therapy can lead to scarring. Those nurse practitioners in favor of electrolysis will tell you that IPL therapy is unsafe because the laser is pointed directly at the skin and can burn it. Those in favor of IPL therapy protest that electrolysis tends to be the more dangerous hair removal process.

The best thing for you to do to ensure your own safety is to test the method you?d prefer on a small patch of skin elsewhere on your body. Wait several days to observe the results of the therapy before making your decision. Remember: especially with the face, scarring is permanent. Though there are methods available to correct scarring, it will never fully go away.

If you are looking for a permanent or semi-permanent long-term hair removal method, IPL hair removal therapy could be right for you. Consult a local esthetician for more information and pricing.
Tamra Cantar is a freelance writer on topics of interest and has a website dedicated to providing the visitor with useful information and resources for hair removal. Visit for more articles and information on IPL and other hair removal techniques

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