Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hair Removal: IPL Hair Removal

IPL Hair Removal Therapy A Permanent Hair Removal Solution

IPL, or Intense Pulse Light, hair removal is a popular method of removing unwanted hair from the body, particularly from the face and eyebrows. IPL therapy works by focusing a high frequency ray of light directly onto the hair shaft. The light depletes the hair follicle of moisture, causing it to burn up and die. Because IPL hair removal therapy eliminates the unwanted hair from the hair root to the tip, IPL has proven to be a very effective long-term hair removal technique.

IPL hair removal therapy is one of the more expensive hair removal methods available. Therefore, it is important that you educate yourself about the facts before making the financial and time investment into IPL therapy. Read on for some important information.

For those individuals looking for a more permanent solution for hair reduction, IPL hair removal just might be the answer. IPL hair removal eliminates the hair all the way to the root by dissolving or burning the hair follicle. When the light reaches the root, it not only eliminates the hair, but it also sends a shock to the base in which the root grows. When the light comes into contact with the skin in the base, it welds it together, stopping the flow of blood. As the flow of blood to the area ceases, the hair root can no longer get the nutrients it needs to grow into a full length of hair. Thus, the hair is permanently removed.

Often, it takes more than one treatment to fully remove the unwanted hair using IPL therapy. When the light welds the skin, it usually does not weld the full area in the base. Blood can still flow to the hair shaft and follicle. Yet because the area will be partially welded, the hair will grow back lighter and less thick. This process will lead to a dramatic reduction in the amount and coarseness of hair, ultimately leading to its permanent removal.

Because IPL therapy works with lasers, or high intensity light, the hair follicle needs to have some color that the light can, essentially, cling to. Therefore, IPL hair removal therapy will not work with blond or light brown hairs as well as with darker hairs. However, IPL hair removal therapy can help to reduce the coarseness of all hair, including blond and light brown follicles.

There is some debate as to whether IPL therapy can lead to scarring. Those nurse practitioners in favor of electrolysis will tell you that IPL therapy is unsafe because the laser is pointed directly at the skin and can burn it. Those in favor of IPL therapy protest that electrolysis tends to be the more dangerous hair removal process.

The best thing for you to do to ensure your own safety is to test the method you'd prefer on a small patch of skin elsewhere on your body. Wait several days to observe the results of the therapy before making your decision. Remember: especially with the face, scarring is permanent. Though there are methods available to correct scarring, it will never fully go away.

If you are looking for a permanent or semi-permanent long-term hair removal method, IPL hair removal therapy could be right for you. Consult a local esthetician for more information and pricing.

Tamra Cantar is a freelance writer on topics of interest and has a website dedicated to providing the visitor with useful information and resources for hair removal. Visit Hair Removal Systems for more articles and information on IPL and other hair removal techniques.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Understanding Laser Hair Removal: Part Two

How should you choose the location to perform your laser hair removal? Because it is such a costly investment and it is really something the outcome can not be predicted for, you really should invest the time in finding the right company to take your business to. The goal is to find the most experienced individual.

Some companies will try to lure you in with discounts. Others will make promises of complete, permanent hair loss. The goal here is not to look for these individuals and these rates. You need quality. If you have to go in several times, each time costing you several thousand dollars for your laser treatment, you are not saving any money in the long run. Instead, just visit an experienced individual and get a good treatment from the start.

Pre Screening

Once you do find a quality individual to take your laser needs to, you'll need to be prescreened for the procedure. There are a few things that you can do to make sure that you get the best treatment in the long run. For example, do not suntan near the time of your treatment as this can make a large difference in the outcome. You can also benefit from not eating a large amount of foods that are rich in beta carotene such as carrots. These can change the pigment of your skin enough to cause the flow of laser energy to the hair follicle to be stopped. A couple of days before you have the treatment shave. But, make sure this is several days before so that your hair is still growing but not too short either.

What Happens

Once you get into the location, get your protective goggles in place and relax, the procedure will begin. All that happens is a laser is turned on, it passes through the skin to the hair follicle and destroys it. That's the extent of it. The procedure is not painful and is not necessarily harmful. You may experience some side effects such as some reddening of the area, swelling or a burning sensation. Most of these are only temporary and will be gone within a few seconds.

Why Do It?

Why should you invest the time and the money in a procedure like this? First off, it is not an invasive procedure; there are no gross creams, cuts from razors or a lot of hard work involved. And, once the process is complete, that's it. You won't have to shave again tomorrow. And, while it may grow back, the hair will be lighter and harder to see if it does.

What you do have to overcome though is the fact that it may not work for everyone. And, it can be costly especially when there is a need for several treatments. You may need to see the technician for follow up treatments.

So, is laser hair removal the right choice for you? Can you afford to have the procedure done? Is your skin and hair color the right combination? Find an experienced technician to talk to and really find out if this could be the right way for you to stop having to worry about hair growth.

As a beauty consultant Nicola is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for resources, views and information about body hair removal techniques.

Copyright All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Hair Threading As A Hair Removal Technique

Hair threading is becoming more and more popular as individuals search for a new way to remove hair. The process can be done at home if you would like to or you can get a much better procedure done through a salon. For those that are looking for a new method of hair removal, besides all the waxing and the shaving, hair threading may be the answer for you. Although it is about as painful as waxing, it can help to remove the fine hair that grows over your body.

You will use normal sewing thread to get the job done. The hair will be removed from the root. For an at home method, try this:

Use two feet of sewing thread. Knot the ends to make a large circle.

Hold it in both hands and wind it about ten times until it looks like a bow tie. The wound up portion needs to be in the middle.

Now, spread the fingers of one hand so that the wound portion moves to the other hand. Practice moving it back and forth for a few minutes.

Alternate the fingers that you move, spread and close.

Practice first with your leg hairs until you learn how to do it well.

Prop one leg up while you sit on a chair. Place the wound side of the thread on one side of the hair and lay the thread from the opposite end around both sides of the hair.

Move your fingers as you have been practicing quickly. The hair is captures and pulled from the root.

It is often wise to learn how to do hair threading by watching someone else do it. So, perhaps you should invest in a salon procedure the first time so that you can learn. Yes, it hurts a little and yes it is going to need to be done several times, but the process is one way for you to easily fight back unwanted hair. Once you learn how to do it, you will do it better. And, since there are no real risks of using hair threading there is no reason not to enjoy it.

As a beauty consultant Nicola is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for resources, views and information about alternative hair removal techniques.

Copyright All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

At Home Hair Removal: Techniques To Use Part Two

There are some more at home options for hair removal that you should consider. You will find these to provide you with a good quality finish. To choose, look at your conditions as well as your preferences.

Waxing: A Small Pain Goes A Long Way

Waxing is an effective method of hair removal that will last several weeks. You can purchase at home kits to help you to do it. You'll apply a thin coating of wax, allow it to dry and then rip it away. Yes, it hurts a bit but that is only going to last a second. And, you'll be able to take advantage of the hair free beauty for a while afterwards.

Bleaching: Hide It

While you will not be actually removing hair, you will be able to hide it carefully. Bleaching is a chemical reaction which will remove the color from the hair allowing it to blend in with your skin. You can purchase bleaching products for the hair above your lip or in other areas as well. Make sure to follow the directions of the product that you use. It is also important to note that tanned skin can cause bleached hair to stand out.

Abrasives: A Little Elbow Grease

If you have fine hair, then abrasives can be the right method for you to remove hair. You will use an abrasive stone, pumice mostly. By rubbing the stone to the skin in a circular motion, you will lightly remove the hair without damaging your skin. Although you'll see some redness afterwards, it will likely go away quickly. And, the results of abrasives will last up to three weeks.

Electrolysis: The Home Version

There are several home electrolysis products that you can purchase. Careful purchasing can lead to the best results. While these products promise permanent hair removal, they are hard to use and do not always provide this. They are not as effective as professional services, but far less costly. You'll want a blunt needed version. This will get placed inside the follicle. Products called Electric Tweezers do not work nearly as well. You'll need to make sure that the hair is in a growing cycle and follow the directions provided carefully. A small area of at a time should be attempted. It will take you a long while and it will not be as pain free as you may think.

Hair removal can happen at home. There are many methods and ways that you can effectively get rid of unwanted hair that is throughout the areas of your body that you do not want it to be. While there are many options, it is completely up to you, your preferences and your budget to determine which the right one to go with is.

As a beauty consultant Nicola is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for resources, views and information about home hair removal.

Copyright All rights reserved. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and the live links are included intact.

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