Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Facial Laser Hair Removal

Today facial laser hair removal is one of the most popular and best ways of getting rid of unwanted hair. I can tell you for sure that it is a safe and time saving process.

Laser hair removal has all the advantages over other methods like waxing, shaving, plucking and electrolysis. Although it may initially seem to cost more than these traditional techniques, it will ultimately be economical for you in the long run. In facial laser hair removal a low energy laser beam is directed towards a group of hair follicles. It destroys the root without affecting the surrounding skin. This is perhaps the most interesting aspect about it. It is a relatively pain free procedure. If you are uncomfortable, experts performing the treatment can give a topical anaesthetic to give you a feeling of numbness. But there is no need to worry at all. I can assure you of the fact that most people can tolerate the process quite well and do not need any anaesthetics. Also side effects are rarely seen.

There are a number of centers offering the best of services in facial laser hair removal. Just check out all of them before you zero in on your choice. Personal attention by the specialists together with advanced technology will help you get the desired result. Talk to your friends who have removed their unwanted facial hair by this technique. They will be the best to guide you. You can also surf the internet to gather relevant information.

The cost of facial laser hair removal varies from person to person. Actually it depends on the size of the area treated and the complexity of each case. You may have to pay multiple visits before you get your desired result. But I can tell you for sure that you will be absolutely satisfied with the service offered by the trained and certified professionals in each of these centers.

So all you men out there who are tired of shaving just undergo facial laser hair removal. You will no longer be embarrassed in a crowd instead you will feel all the more confident!
Laser Hair Removal
Discover laser hair removal information Articles and resources for prices, cost, and treatments of laser hair removal in cities like New York, Washington DC, Toronto, and Dallas. Visit this site for the best in laser hair removal!

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Chicago Hair Laser Removal

If you hate shaving, are tired of putting up with painful waxing, tweezing, and depilatory creams, then I can tell you for sure that laser hair removal is the right choice for you. Recent breakthroughs in laser technology can get rid of unwanted hair, quickly, easily and with proven long-term results.

Chicago hair laser removal will work on almost any part of the body, from your legs, arms, upper lips, neck, chin, face, and even your back or shoulders. In fact it works just about anywhere! Whether you are a male or female, just try out the most practical, the least painful, and the most effective method, that is now available to remove unwanted hair...Laser Hair Removal.

Chicago hair laser removal beats all other methods hands down. One of the major benefits with lasers is the ability to treat a large area of skin at once and it only takes a fraction of the time as compared to other conventional methods. The laser technology is designed to treat only the hair follicle and leaves the adjoining areas unaffected. Also, since the laser uses pulses of light to remove hair, there's no irritation to the skin.

People with greater contrast respond best to the Chicago hair laser removal because the laser's light energy is absorbed by the pigment melanin in the skin. Therefore individuals with dark hair and light colored skin get maximum results. However new laser technology has made it possible for people with even dark complexions to get significant results. The cost of the treatment varies depending on the area treated. Needless to say, the larger the area, the greater the cost.

The Chicago hair laser removal treatment is an economically, relatively pain free and time saving method. The American Laser Center in Chicago offers one of the best laser hair removal treatment in the area. There are other offices for laser hair removal in Chicago. Just check out on the expertise of the professional who will treat you. For this you can talk to those who have undergone the treatment under him. Then you can be absolutely sure of the entire process.
Laser Hair Removal
Discover laser hair removal information Articles and resources for prices, cost, and treatments of laser hair removal in cities like New York, Washington DC, Toronto, and Dallas. Visit this site for the best in laser hair removal!

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New York City Laser Hair Removal

We spend a lot of time waxing, cutting, shaving, plucking away hair from unwanted places like legs, upper lip, chin, arms, back, and other such areas, only to find it growing back a short time later. In New York City, laser hair removal has become a very popular cosmetic procedure for getting rid of unwanted hair. Just try out the safe and economic process of new york city laser hair removal.

In this method, a low-energy laser beam is used to remove unwanted hair. I can tell you for sure that unlike routine hair removal practices, this procedure offers long-lasting results. When the laser beam moves across the treatment area, the laser energy passes through the skin and is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle. You may have to pay multiple visits to the laser center to achieve that long term desired result. The cost of the treatment varies from person to person and is generally dependent on the size of the area treated as well as complexity of the case. The entire process is relatively pain free but improper treatment can cause lesions, burns and skin discoloration and irritation. The result is the best if you are light skinned and have dark body hair. It must be kept in mind that lasers must be used very cautiously if you tan or have a darker skin tone.

New York city is perhaps the laser hair removal capital of the world. There are a host of centers offering new york city laser hair removal. Not only do you have the best specialists here, but you can also choose what kind of center you want to go to. Taking the decision regarding which center to visit is indeed difficult. For this you should talk to those persons who have undergone new york city laser hair removal. They will be the best to guide you and answer your questions. The internet is also a great resource in helping you to find out as well as decide which laser center in New York city will be the best one for you.

Several places offer new york city laser hair removal. There are even some centers which offer written warranties. If by chance you experience any re-growth of hair in the treated area within the specified guarantee period, you can receive additional laser treatments to the treated area absolutely free of charge.

So just walk in to any of these centers and get rid of all your hair from unwanted places.
Laser Hair Removal
Discover laser hair removal information Articles and resources for prices, cost, and treatments of laser hair removal in cities like New York, Washington DC, Toronto, and Dallas. Visit this site for the best in laser hair removal!

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DC Hair Laser Removal Washington

 Laser hair removal services are provided by various specialists in professional centers in the Washington DC area. dc hair laser removal washington is a safe and effective treatment to remove unwanted hair from your upper lip, chin, legs, underarms, bikini area, chest, neck,... in fact from most anywhere.

The laser beam that is used in the laser hair removal device is directed at the hair follicles. The dark pigments in the follicle absorb the laser light energy. As the follicle absorbs more and more energy the follicle dies and can no longer grow hair. This is the mechanism on which dc hair laser removal washington works. Whatever be your skin complexion you can expect to have a good result thanks to advanced technology and professional expertise. Although it may hurt a bit both men and women are trying it out and that too successfully.

Find out your skin type and choose the laser center that is most suited for you. Try to get suggestions from those who have been through dc hair laser removal washington. Then you can surely leave all your worries behind.

Laser hair removal can also treat your problem of ingrown hair. Often men have to deal with ingrown hair in their beard area and neck. Women face problem with it mainly in the bikini area. Since laser hair removal targets hair at the follicle it's the most remarkable ingrown hair treatment. It actually removes the root of the problem. After several sessions, you yourself will notice your hair shedding and the dark spots and bumps from folliculitis disappearing.

The cost of dc hair laser removal washington varies from one specialist to another. Each case is unique and the cost of treatment is dependent on this individuality factor also.

So if you have unwanted facial and body hair I can tell you for sure that dc hair laser removal washington is the perfect treatment for you. You can check out Sona MedSpa, a laser hair removal office in the Washington DC area. Whether you are a male or a female through expert and professional care you will get yourself a new look at quite reasonable prices.

About the author:
Laser Hair Removal

Discover laser hair removal information Articles and resources for prices, cost, and treatments of laser hair removal in cities like New York, Washington DC, Toronto, and Dallas. Visit this site for the best in laser hair removal!

Study Links Tobacco Smoke With Belly FatpharmacyStudy Links Tobacco Smoke With Belly Fat

Exposure to cigarette smoke raises the risk among teens of metabolic syndrome, a disorder associated with excess belly fat that increases the chances of heart disease, stroke and diabetes, metabolic syndrome, according to a study.

Researchers said it is the first study to establish such a link in teenagers.

"The bottom line to me is: As we gear up to take on this epidemic of obesity, we cannot abandon protecting our children from secondhand smoke and smoking," said lead author Dr. Michael Weitzman, executive director of the American Academy of Pediatrics Center for Child Health Research in Rochester, N.Y.

For the study, metabolic syndrome was defined as having at least three of five characteristics: a big waist, high blood pressure, high levels of blood fats called triglycerides, low levels of good cholesterol, and evidence of insulin resistance, in which the body cannot efficiently use insulin.

In the study, published Monday in the American Heart Association online journal Circulation, researchers found that 6 percent of 12- to 19-year-olds had metabolic syndrome and that the prevalence increased with exposure to tobacco smoke.

The study found that 1 percent of those unexposed to smoke developed the syndrome, 5 percent of those exposed to secondhand smoke had the disorder and 9 percent of active smokers had it.

Looking at teens who were overweight or at risk for being overweight, the effect of smoke was even more marked, with 6 percent of those not exposed to smoke developing syndrome, 20 percent of those exposed to secondhand smoke getting it and 24 percent of smokers suffering from the disorder.

"What this shows is that the percentages of kids who are at risk is vastly higher if they're overweight and they're exposed to secondhand smoke, down to very low levels," Weitzman said.

Weitzman said it is not clear what it is about smoking that appears to make teenagers more susceptible to metabolic syndrome.

However, in adults smoking has been linked to insulin resistance, a risk factor for metabolic syndrome. Doctors also point out that smoking can lower levels of good cholesterol and raise blood pressure, two more markers for the disorder.

The researchers looked at 2,273 adolescents, using information from a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey. The youngsters reported their own use of tobacco. Also, the study looked at measurements of cotinine, a product of nicotine after it enters the body. Two-thirds of teens who did not smoke had cotinine levels that indicated secondhand smoke exposure.

"It's sobering," said Dr. Michael Lim, assistant professor of internal medicine in the division of cardiology at Saint Louis University School of Medicine. "What it points out is a very high-risk group of people - young adults 12 to 19 - who are exposed to tobacco products and sedentary."

The number of overweight teens in the United States has tripled in the past two decades.
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The Laser Hair Removal Process

Laser Hair Removal is becoming more popular then ever for the removal of unwanted body hair. Before making the decision to go forward with laser hair removal it is important to understand the removal process and to determine if you would make an ideal candidate for laser hair removal.
Below we are going to talk about some of the most common questions asked before making a decision to get laser hair removal done.
Is it safe?
Yes, the removal process is safe. Some patients may notice pinkness or redness to the skin on the treated area. Most commonly the color will go back to normal in a few minutes up to a few hours. In a few rare cases it may take a few days for the normal skin color to appear. The skin color variation will depend greatly on the process used during the hair removal as there is more than one process available.
What is the laser hair removal process?
The laser hair removal process works by sending a beam of laser light to a group of hair follicles with enough power to disable or destroy the root, but not enough power to harm the surrounding skin. The laser beam finds the hair follicles by targeting melanin (the substance that gives skin and hair dark color). People that have dark hair and light skin are the ideal candidate for laser hair removal. However, it is important to note that the laser process will not work on those people that have red, grey or real blonde hair.
Is the hair removal process painful?
The answer to this question varies greatly by patient as everyone feels pain differently and no two people are the same. Some patients have said it feels like a pinch while other patients noted it feels like a rubber band snapping your skin. For the most part most patients have noted mild discomfort and in those cases the doctor will usually provide the patient with a mild anesthetic during the hair removal process.
How long is the hair removal process? And how many treatments will I need?
Both of these questions dont have a single definitive answer. The length of time for removal will depend on the area being treated. How many treatments needed also have many different variables to consider making the answer different per case - skin tone, hair coloring and the coarseness of hair are all variable that help determine how many hair removal treatments will be needed.
While these are our opinions on the laser hair removal process, it is best to do your research and find out the specifics for your removal process. Its always best to get more then one opinion and be thorough before making your decision.
Aimee Smyth
Aimee is the owner of My Laser Hair Removal a site that provides information about laser hair removal and what to expect during the process. For more information, visit her at My Laser Hair

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